Earn Money Online on Infolinks - NEPAL MONETARY SOLUTIONS (NMS)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Earn Money Online on Infolinks

  • powerful Adsense alternative and can be used with Adsense

  • in text advertising company that pays per click

  • double underlining your most valuable keywords

  • creates an intelligent, interactive atmosphere where users connect with relevant brand messages and click to learn more

  • Infolinks balances relevancy and payouts to keep your content clean and your earnings flowing

  • fully customizing the appearance and volume of intext ads on your pages

  • those who do not have an approved AdSense account, they usually go for other brands like Infolinks, Chitika etc
  • earnings depends on factors like how much traffic are you getting from your site, which country are your traffic from, how well you optimized your Infolinks settings
  • you to add your website to your account before generating a code for the website
  • place the appropriate code on the websites it affects your earnings if you place the wrong code
  • Choose the color that will blend with your website which will increase  template, This will increase your Click Through Rate on the Ads
  • Use underline style instead of dotted style
  • Contact Infolinks Support teams for advice and optimization tips

How Infolinks works
  • allows you to serve In-Text ads on your website and receive a share of the pay-per-click advertising
  • Best paying  keywords are underlined and every time a visitor hovers over one of these highlighted words, an advertisement related to that keywords are shown
  • Each time a  visitor clicks on one of the ads, you get paid

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