Earn Money Online on Chitika - NEPAL MONETARY SOLUTIONS (NMS)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Earn Money Online on Chitika


  • popular contextual advertising company

  • over 300,000 publishers using their services

  • is a PPC (paid per click) program with the high rate of payment is a free service

  • Google AdSense and Chitika can work friendly and do not violate Terms of Use of each other's service

  • chitika is the best way to build cash on-line along the Google AdSense

How to make money from Chitika
  • create a publisher’s account with Chitika
  • the account is free and you will be able to get access to HTML codes in which you place on the side of your website
  • you will see an ad related to the content you have on your website
  • get traffic to your website in order to increase your income with Chitika
  • the more traffic, the more clicks, the more money you make
  • to get the traffic you need good content
  • Make sure you do proper SEO
  • Target one keyword and underline the keyword, bold it, and italicize it
  • Also never click on your own ads to try and make a few bucks because you will be caught and your Chitika account will be banned
  • Chitika keeps track of all the clicks and it’s against the terms for anyone to click on their own ads

Positive Sides of Chitika
  • approve almost instantly
  • Get paid for international traffic
  • do not have any minimum requirements, you just need working blog/website
  • can show relevant ads at the right times
  • Very Low Minimum Payout (a minimum of $10.00 (USD) for PayPal payouts or $50.00 (USD) for checks)
  • Referral Program is available which gives you a share from the publishers and advertisers you refer
  • different sizes of ad units available
  • best AdSense alternative today in the market

How to Maximize Earnings from Chitika?
  • Target US, UK, and Canada visitors, the rates from these countries are much higher as compared to other countries
  • Utilize all  resources of Chitika
  • use in-text and hover ads that you can implement on your blog
  • Try to get lots of visitors to earn money

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