
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stop Using Word "DHOTI" For People

Stop Using Word "DHOTI" For People
Few words
  • Every person has their own right to live freely
  • Dhoti is the name of dress and it is one of the famous and pure dresses among others so it is mostly used in pujas

  • But many people in Nepal use word "DHOTI" for people instead of dress
  • Do you think it is good to call someone "DHOTI" ?, I think the answer is always "NO".

  • What they get by calling "DHOTI" to people? , Answer: NOTHING
  • So why still people are using this word for people

  • They might want to dominate by calling "DHOTI" to people because those who call "DHOTI" to other people are either jealous of them or they want to be superior by dominating other.

  • This is not the way to be superior compared to someone
  • To be superior another person should think that you are superior and you should do good act to become superior

What does someone get by calling "DHOTI" to people
  • Get hated by the person and people around him/her to whom "DHOTI" word is used
  • Loose self-respect
  • Get less respect

What do someone loss by calling "DHOTI" to people
  • Valuable time
  • Professionalism
  • Respect in front of others
  • Love from people
  • Self esteem

Something we should think of:-
  • दिनभर घाममा पसिना चुहाउदै परिश्रम गर्छन त्यहि पनि अपहेलि भएर बसेका छन्,
  • घरघरमा हामीलाई तरकारी ल्याइदिने मधेसको हाम्रा दाइहरु दिन प्रति दिन "धोति" भनिएर कुटिएका छन्,
  • मिठो पानी पुरि चटपटे खुवाउनेहरु भोकभोकै अरुको भोकको तृष्णा मेटाउन लागेका छन् तरपनि उनिहरुलाई हामीले सम्मान दिन सकेका छैनौ,
  • यस्ता अनेकन उदाहरणहरु छन् जब हामी हाम्रै मधेसका दाजुभाइलाइ भारतिय भनेर हेप्छौ,
  • पसिना बगाउने चाहे भारतिय होस् चाहे नेपाली सम्मान गर्नै पर्छ
  • तर जब एउटा नेपालीलाई बिदेशि भनिन्छ तब उसको मनमा कुन बेगले हिनताबोधको आधि चल्छ होला?
  • अझ उनिहरुको पसिनाको हामीले कदर गर्न सकेका छैनौ,
  • अब साच्चै हाम्रो आँखामा लागेको बिर्को हटाउने बेला आएको छ।

Do you hate when someone calls "dhoti" to people, if yes then please help us to eradicate this word... Like

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